
Where is Jesus?

No, Jesus isn't missing; He's not lost. He knows exactly where He is. The problem isn't with Jesus. The problem is with people who think they know where Jesus is-only to find out that He isn't where they thought He was, who then taught others what they thought. I've heard for years, as many of you have, that we should bring people to Jesus, at the Cross. Yes we should bring people to Jesus. He's our Savior, Deliverer, Healer, Friend, and so much more. But to the Cross? No, not to the Cross. Why? Because Jesus isn't there.

Where is Jesus? When Jesus left this earth He went to Heaven, sitting down on His throne, at the right hand of God, according to Hebrews 10:12. As many have said, you don't sit down until the job's done. It took Jesus's death, burial, resurrection, and seating for our salvation to become a reality. His job wasn't complete until He sat down in Heaven, at the Father's right hand.

Where is Jesus? He's in Heaven, seated at God's right hand. Getting people to Jesus means going into His Presence in Heaven. Not at the Cross; not at the empty Tomb; not to anything made with hands. No, get people to where Jesus has been for nearly 2,000 years-in Heaven, at the right hand of God. That's where Jesus is. That's where we need to bring people who need Him: to His Throne.

We should commend all those who are bringing the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus. The Cross and Tomb are, however, empty. There's a throne in Heaven for everyone in need of salvation, healing, deliverance, and supply. That's where Jesus is.

I hope that this simple truth will help you in ministering to others, as well in your own life. Write and let me know how it is.

The Only Cause Worth Bowing To

Everyone has a cause; everyone has some cause that he/she strongly believes in. It may not be the cause that you or I do but someone, somewhere, does. Whether it's the environment, social injustice, immigration, or something in the political realm there's a cause, it seems, for everyone. One doesn't have to look far at all to find one to believe in. Some, not liking what they see, start their own. Regardless of which cause-or cause you embrace only one cause is worth bowing ones knees to.  The only cause worth bowing to is the cause of Christ. The only cause worth bowing my knees to is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament the only person Shadrach, Meschack, and Abednego would bow to was God. In the New Testament Jesus was the only person the Apostle Paul was willing to bow his knees to was the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:14). That's pretty good company; my kind of folks.

I believe in other causes. There are a lot of good ones out there where you live, where I live. As a Christian I believe in helping other, in getting behind what someone else is doing-as long as it doesn't compromise or become more important than the furtherance of the Gospel; the advancement of God's great Plan of redemption. For the Christian, getting the Gospel out to those around us should that one cause above all other causes that causes us to bow our knees to God.

If you're a Christian, what cause (s) do you support? What cause (s) do you believe in enough to invest your time, resources, and prayers in? Where does the cause of Christ rate among the causes-if any-you support? Share your thoughts.

Things to Know (Part 1)

Success, whether in the classroom, workplace, or life in general, depends on knowing some things. Knowing these things spells the difference between success and failure, victory and defeat. As Christians, we need to know some things about who and whose we are, what belongs to us, and what we can do in this life. What are some of those things we need to know?

1. God is your Heavenly Father; you belong to Him, not the devil. You have a new Lord, a new master. His name is Jesus.

2. Through the Holy Spirit, God is now living in you. Not just with you-in you. Having your physical organs in you is more personal and beneficial than just with you. The same is true concerning God.

3. What Jesus accomplished in His death, burial, and resurrection He did for you. You are now a part of God's army, helping to enforce Satan's defeat. Whether you feel that way right now or not, it's still true. Christians need to know this truth and act like it. That's not being arrogant or bragging on what you've done. That's bragging on Jesus; that's enforcing Satan's defeat.

These 3 things are of utmost importance to know, in order to live the life God has already planned for you.

My next post will cover a few more things to know. Perhaps they will agree with things you’ve already found and are living out in your own life.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2014-2024

Is All Faith The Same?

Faith. It's one of the most misunderstood words to people today, including Christians as a whole. With so many talking about it, it's surprising just how few people really understand what faith is. To meet this need, why haven't more people made things simple by explaining, in simple language, what faith is?  Hopefully today's post helps bring simplification to faith. Faith is faith. Faith for salvation, faith for healing, faith for prosperity, a new/better job-it's still faith.

How does faith come? By hearing the Word (Romans 10:17) in the area you need faith. Need faith for salvation? Romans 10:9,10, 13 works just fine, a practical application of John 3:16 itself. What about healing? Psalm 103:3, Isaiah 53:4,5, Matthew 8:17, Acts 10:38, I Peter 2:24, and 3 John 2 are but a few good healing scriptures to produce faith in your heart. For prosperity, hear these faith-building scriptures: Deuteronomy 8:18, Psalm 1:1-3, Proverbs 35:27, Isaiah 48:17, Matthew 6:33, Luke 6:33, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, and 3 John 2, among others.

The same gasoline that runs a car's engine will also power a generator, lawnmower, or a motorcycle. Cookie dough at Christmas becomes a star, tree, snowman, or a reindeer. As with faith, the application determines the end result.

Regardless of application, how we get faith remains the same: by hearing what the Bible-God's Word-has to say on a given subject. We do the hearing, God does the providing (of faith).

Is all faith the same? Yes, in that faith is faith, gasoline is gasoline, and cookie dough is, well, cookie dough. No, in that the application of faith will produce salvation, healing, prosperity, or a job, to name a few results. The same faith, applied through different verses, will produce different results.

What other illustrations can you add to make faith simpler to understand?



"Catch and Release" Christianity

Fishing regulations vary from state to state-even from one lake or river to another. Some fishing spots allow a limit of how many fish can be taken, while others enforce a regulation known as "catch and release." This means that whatever fish one catches must be released back into the water; none can be taken and eaten. I'm concerned that this practice of catch and release has carried over into the church world. New converts-new followers of Christ-are too often tossed back into the world, without much, if any, followup. Little or no followup leaves churches and other well-intended ministries with, often, many converts but few disciples.

Jesus never commanded us believers to make converts; He commissioned us to make disciples. There's a difference.

Why isn't more emphasis placed upon biblical, grace-based, discipleship? Perhaps because it's time consuming. Along with having a plan, it requires people and patience.

Over the last 45 years millions have been converted to Christ. I was one of them. Some were celebrities-at least in public. Actors, singers, well-known public figures-at least to some; these were reported to have made professions of Christ. Thank God for all who come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, those in the public eye who come to Christ are all-to-often released back into the environment from which they sought refuge. Rather than given a foundation of God's Word, many celebrity converts were paraded as trophies for Christ, as part of a particular church or other ministry.

Classic "catch and release" Christianity.

Sadly, many of those caught and released converts have grown cold towards God and Christianity. On the other hand those who received a biblical foundation are, for the most part, serving Christ today. Chuck Colson, aide to former President Nixon and well-known Watergate figure, is one example of converts becoming disciples.

We can do more to turn converts into disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ. One way this ministry is addressing this need is by offering brief presentations of foundational truth, called LifeChange. These free episodes are available on our website, at I invite you to check them out for yourself, then share them with someone else needing the basics.

What are some things you are doing to strengthen new believers, turning them from converts to disciples?

Run, Run, Run

The 1951 World Series featured competing rookies, such as Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees and Willie Mays of the New York Giants. Veteran Joe DiMaggio was finishing his illustrious career with the Yankees. Along with his powerful bat, Joe possessed a great throwing arm. Unknown to players and fans alike, however, Joe's once mighty right arm was mighty no more. Early in the Series an opposing runner was considering advancing on a fly ball hit to DiMaggio. Joe made a strong throw to his teammate, preventing the runner from advancing. In doing so Joe threw his arm out, rendering his once-powerful arm useless. Opposing players, not knowing this, failed to take advantage of DiMaggio's weakened condition the rest of the Series. Seeing one great throw reinforced runners' perception of Joe having a great arm.

Too many people, including Christians, perceive the devil to have power (authority) he no longer has. Like the once-mighty Joe DiMaggio, the devil has hoodwinked folks into thinking he can do something he is now powerless to do.

Had opposing runners known the truth about Joe DiMaggio's arm, they would have fearlessly run at will against their adversary. Satan, our once-feared adversary, was completely defeated by Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago. Jesus's victory was then credited to us, as though we had won, which we have, in God's eyes. Now we can fearlessly advance against the devil, with the knowledge that he can't stop us from winning every game, so to speak, in life.

The next time the devil roars at you, run towards him. Run at the fear, the doubt, and the unbelief that comes from satan. He can't stop you from winning in life any more than Joe DiMaggio could stop even the slowest opponent from advancing.

What is it that the devil is trying to keep you from achieving? Salvation? Healing? Financial needs being met? Wholesome relationships? You can learn more about what Jesus has done for you through our book, Born To Win, available through Kindle or iBooks.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2013-2024

What's Your Testimony?

In Revelation 12':11, we read  "And they overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;". The devil is overcome through a two-part application: The Blood of the lamb-Jesus-and the word of our testimony. God's part is not enough; it's takes both His and our parts to overcome the devil. Did you ever notice how often God's and our parts are necessary for us receiving the benefit of His provision and/or promises? For instance, in the sixth chapter of John's gospel, we read of Jesus feeding 5000 men, not to mention women and children. A boy's offering of 5 loaves and 2 fish supplied his part; the natural. After Jesus gave thanks for the food, the food was distributed. As this point God supplied His part: the miraculous multiplication of fish and bread.

It's the same when overcoming the devil, Satan, who is our adversary. God supplies His part-the redemptive Blood of Jesus. We, then, add our part, which is the word of our testimony. God's supernatural part unites with our natural part to bring about victory in every situation.

What is a testimony? A testimony is most often your sharing what God has done for you. In years gone by churches used to have testimony meetings. These services centered around people sharing what God had done for them in the last few days or weeks. Testimonies can encourage someone else's faith, for what God did for one, He'll do for another.

A testimony can also be your declaration of what God's says about you, in the situation you're now facing.

What's your testimony? What has God done for you? What is God's Word saying about you, in the situation you're facing? Are you daring to say what God's Word says, regardless of circumstance-as Caleb and Joshua did in Numbers , chapters 13 and 14?

I'd love to hear what God has done for you. Someone else may benefit from hearing what happened in your life. After all, what God dis for one, He'll do for another.

Ten Ways to Destroy a Church

Going through some boxes, I found the following article, with excerpts by George W. Knight. It's about ways to destroy a church. Perhaps you've observed these at one time or another in a church you visited or, perhaps, your own. Over the past 40+ years of being and serving in numerous churches, my wife and I have seen more than a few of these ways being present. My purpose for listing them is to show what the devil uses to destroy churches, and, being aware, use this as a self-checklist to better serve God through our own church.

I don't know when the original article was published, however the points are timeless, regardless of age. The article is entitled, Ten Ways to Destroy a Church:

1. Don't come

2. If you do come, always arrive late.

3. After every service let it be known, loud and clear, that you "didn't get anything out of the service."

4. Never accept a job or leadership position in the church. It's much better to stand on the sidelines and criticize.

5. Let it be known that you visit other churches about half the time, just to show your pastor and fellow church members that you don't need them.

6. Make all the leaders do all the work and blame them if it isn't done right.

7. Sit in the back of the church, talk with others, and never sing or participate.

8. Never give money.

9. Never encourage the pastor or leaders.

10. Be sure to point out any faults of your church to guests. They might never notice these faults without your help

If you see one or more of these where you attend, what can you do to change what is to what can be?