
Do You Speak in Christianese?

Speaking in tongues is an experience, subsequent to salvation, where Christians receive the ability to pray in an unknown (to them)  language, as enabled by the Holy Spirit. The one doing the speaking has no idea what he/she is saying, although someone listening might recognize the words as being in the hearer's native language.

Over the years I've seen-and experienced-a phenomenon that is just the opposite: the language being spoken is seemingly understood by the one doing the speaking.  Too often, however, the words being spoken are either not being understood at all or (worse) are being misunderstood by the hearer. It's called "Christianese".

What is "Christianese"? Christianese is a compilation of words, phrases, and expressions used by Christians to describe experiences and/or events relating to one's walk with God. These experiences/events often refer to something happening in a church service-on the platform or at the front of the auditorium, for examples. Right or wrong, good or bad, well intended of not, Christianese can be confusing to those new to the faith-especially those with little or no church background. Why is this?

Such phrases as "slain in the Spirit", words like "anointed" and "sanctified"-these are everyday expressions for those who've walked with God for a while. For those, however, who are fresh out the womb, spiritually speaking, this may be as unknown as speaking in tongues was to those in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost.

I touch on this, briefly, in my book Born To Win: A Study Guide for the New Believer, available on kindle and ibooks, or through our office. In the book I offer definitions for some phrases most Christians will hear at some point, including "slain in the Spirit." Since the Holy Spirit isn't going around killing people, it would be more accurate to say "fallen in the Spirit" to describe someone having fallen under the power of the Holy Spirit. Even accuracy, however, can be misunderstood by those new to the faith.

There's a real need among those in leadership to simplify their words, phrases, and expressions when teaching, in and out of the pulpit. Don't expect everyone to understand all those Christianese words you're tossing around. Don't assume that someone over 40 knows what you mean. Some folks come to the Lord with absolutely no church background, whatsoever. For some, coming to Christ in a service was that person's first venture through church doors.

Without compromising let's work to keep our words simple and clear. Let's keep them void of unexplained phraseology that confuses, rather than clarifies our message.

It worked for Jesus. It will work for us.

Do you speak in "Christianese?" I know I have, and I'm working to do better. What are some ways you can simplify your words, without compromising your message?

Truth or counterfeit?

Years ago I was part of a nationally known ministry. Each summer we held an indoor campmeeting, three services a day, that drew thousands of people from around the world. One year I was assigned to help supervise this ministry's book table. Due to an influx of counterfeit bills being introduced into this country from abroad an agent, trained in identifying counterfeit bills, came to our table to educate us in how to spot the counterfeit from the real.

What the agent proceeded to tell us was simple, yet so effective. In training bank employees to spot counterfeit bills, participants saw only authentic ones throughout the course; they never saw the counterfeit. When asked why, the answer was simple. The instructor wanted those taking the course to become familiar with the true , making it pretty easy to spot the counterfeit.

The same is true in our walk with God. We have the Bible, God's Word, to guide us in life. We have God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to lead us in line with the Word, which is the Truth, according to John 17:17. The Holy Spirit will never lead us apart from His written Word. It is, therefore, very important that new believers are taught the truth from birth, spiritually speaking. From the time someone becomes a Christian it is other Christians' responsibility-not just pastors-to teach the truth to that new believer.

In teaching basic truths to Christians, I've found that the sooner I can reach new Christians with the truth of God's Word, the easier it is for them to be rooted, built up, and established in Christ. That's why it's so important to teach God's Word to children, who'll then have the privilege of growing up with the Truth, rather than counterfeits. God, our Heavenly "Instructor", wants children of all ages to be able to distinguish truth from counterfeit, in every area of life.

How, then, do I distinguish truth from counterfeit, right from wrong? In math, 2+2=4, not 3.9,  4.1, or some other close number. Pretty simple, right? In teaching the truth of God's Word, Jesus said that He was the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). This being true, anything contrary to what Jesus said is not truth; it's counterfeit.

Can you see the importance of filling our hearts, mouths, and minds with the truth of God's Word? What would happen if our focus would be on the simplicity of what God is saying in His Word, rather than opinions, theories, and experiences out of line with New Testament teaching? How can today's post help you to stay focused on the Truth, rather than counterfeits?

What are your thoughts on this subject?



By Invitation Only

Like me, you've probably received countless invitations over the years. For me these invitations have ranged from weddings and graduations, to credit-card issuers and time-share resort "opportunities", with some birthdays thrown in from yesteryear. Hardly a day goes by without some kind of invitation arriving in my mail. The most important invitation I've ever gotten came from God Himself, inviting me to be in His family, the greatest family of all time. That invitation, written in  John 3:16, was addressed to "whosoever", of which I am one, as are you. Here God Himself extends a written invitation for "whosoevers" everywhere to believe on His Son, Jesus Christ. Doing so brings that person into an eternal relationship with God knowing Him as one's Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ.

This divine offer is by invitation only. For those with a bible, this is a written invitation. In areas where bibles are scarce or banned, word of mouth invitations still work.

I hope that today's post has helped you see how special it is to be in God's family. After all, it's by invitation only.

Have you responded to God's invitation? Remember, being His child-being able to enjoy an eternal relationship with God as your Father-isn't something you apply for, work for, or claim by inheritance. If you aren't in God's family, but would like to be, you can pray this simple prayer: "Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in the Name of Jesus, Your Son, Who gave Himself for me. I say with my mouth that Jesus is Lord, believing in my heart that You raised Jesus from the dead for me. I thank you for receiving me as Your very own child. You are now my very own Heavenly Father. I am saved! I am now in Your family, the family of God."

If you just prayed this prayer I welcome you into God's family. Tell someone of your decision to live for Jesus Christ. If we can help in any way please contact us through our website at:

For those who are already in God's family how thankful are you that you responded to God's invitation when you did?

I Love Mysteries

I love mysteries, especially the "who dunnit?” ones. Some of my favorites crime solvers are Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot and the Hardy Boys. My wife and I also enjoy many of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) mystery movies shown on PBS. Chief Inspector Clouseau did not make my list. What is a mystery? A mystery is something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. I like this definition for mystery: a secret. Mysteries involve the process of revealing a secret about a person or situation that solves the unknown, regarding a case or search for meaning in life.

The Bible is the greatest mystery book ever written. The New Birth-passing from spiritual death to newness of life-is a mystery to the unbeliever.  The Apostle Paul was used of God to reveal another mystery: Gentiles are to be fellow partakers of the Gospel , along with Jews.  How do you explain being one in Christ, regardless of gender, appearance, status, or background?

For us to be unified in Christ He has to be in each of us, individually as well as collectively. According to the Apostle Paul this is a mystery. Colossians 1:27 states that this mystery is "Christ in you, the hope of glory". Through the Holy Spirit Christ is living in every believer, those who are new creatures in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). How is this possible?  How do you explain a mystery?

The natural mind will never receive nor understand the things of God (I Corinthians 2:14). Some things are better "caught" than "taught". The fact that some mysteries can never be fully explained neither dilutes their truth nor detracts from their impact on society. These mysteries are hidden for you, not from you. Understanding will have to be done with our hearts, our spirits.

What about you? Have you ever thought of the Bible as a mystery book?

How do you explain the mystery of the New Birth to the unbeliever?

Has reading about Bible mysteries changed the way you see yourself? In what way?






Something Better Than "God Is With You"

"God is with you" is a fairly common statement I've been hearing nowadays. In fact, I've heard it for years. Psalm 91:15 says that God will be with those in trouble, who have set their love on Him. Isn't it good to know that God is with us? Yes, He's right here, with me. All this is comforting, yet hardly enough to bring me victory in the midst of trials, test, and other storms which Christians face in this life. No, what I need to know is this: how can God put me over in every circumstance of life?  Just the fact that God is with me is no guarantee of victory over the forces of evil,  in this world we are living in for now. I need God to be closer than (just) with me.

Having my stomach with me provides no guarantee of food providing strength and nourishment to my physical body. No, what my body needs is for my stomach-and every other digestive organ-to be inside me, processing food on my behalf. The same is true with God, our Heavenly Father. He is in each and every believer, working on our behalf.

Always prove what someone tells you about God by the Word of God. The Bible, God's written Word, tells us in 2 Corinthians 6:16 that God would dwell in the hearts (spirits) of believers. He goes on to tell us in verse 18 that He will be a Father to us (believers). Then, in Colossians 1:27, God says that Christ-God's Son-is in us. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit is living in our spirits (hearts), according to Romans 8:11, I Corinthians 3:16, and I Corinthians 6:19 (note: there's only one Church; what's written to one part of the Church is written to all the Church). This means that all three Persons of the Godhead-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-are living in you. And if they can't put you over in life, then no one can (but They can-let them). Now, isn't that a whole lot better than (just) having God with you?

Yes, if you're a believer, God is certainly with you (as well as for you-Romans 8:31). Rejoice in these truths. Rejoice also that God is in you, willing and able to put you over in life-no matter what storms may come your way.

How has seeing that God is in you made a difference in your life?

Evidence of Salvation

What happens when someone becomes a Christian? Is it something that you (or others) can see or feel? Does what happens take place right away or over a period of time? Is there evidence of salvation? If so, what is it? If you're a student of history you know that, to be considered reliable, quotes attributed to historical figures must be based on source (original) documents. The same is true concerning salvation. What Aunt So and So, Grandpa, parents, or even the preacher said is not to be accepted as truth unless it's based on the Word of God-particularly the New Testament, where Christians are to be living today.

The Bible says, in 2 Corinthians 5:17, that if any man (person) is in Christ, that person is a new creature. One translation says a person in Christ is a "new self". The literal Greek refers to the new creature as a species of being having never before existed. When you were born again-when you became a Christian, the very Life of God was imparted to your spirit, your heart. No, not a physical organ, but the part of you that contacts God. The moment you confessed Jesus as Lord, out of a believing heart, God recreated your spirit with the same Life that He has. Your old nature was taken out.

Where did God take it? I don't know. That's not my business, that's God's. My business was-and is-to accept this Gift of salvation, learn about this new nature that I have in me, and walk in the light of that knowledge.

Knowledge of my salvation, the evidence of my salvation-all of that comes from finding out what God says about it in His Word. From that Word I found out that the evidence of my salvation was a new heart of love for and towards other people. Did I get a new body when I experience salvation? No, I had the same eyes, hair color, and weight after I was saved, as before. The thing that changed was going from having a heart of fear to a heart of love-God's Love. 

What about you? Has your heart-your nature-changed since becoming a Christian? I'm not talking about some goose bump feeling that comes and goes. No, I'm talking about a heart change that only God, through Jesus Christ-can give. A heart of Love that can now love with the Love God had for us when He sent Jesus to restore us back to Him.

Having evidence of salvation-and letting it be seen-is a key to growth in Christ.

Is evidence of your salvation showing? If so, how? If not, why not?  Is salvation worth showing? Is yours?