The Throne

Soldiers of The Throne

The term "Soldiers of the Cross" references those defenders of the Christian faith, stalwart members of God's eternal army going off to war. "Soldiers of the Cross" is found in the opening verse of the old hymn "Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus", written over 150 years ago by George Duffield. I've sung it many times. Thank God for the Cross where the sins of mankind were laid upon Jesus, Who became sin, according to 2 Corinthians 5:17, for you. For me. For all mankind. At the same time we must remember that the Cross is actually a place of defeat. 
Why? Because the story of redemption doesn't end there. Had that actually been the case you and I would still be lost in our sins. Beyond the Cross, it was Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection that secured our eternal redemption, once and for all (Hebrews 9:12; I Corinthians 15:14,17).

According to the Scriptures above-and many others as well-Jesus defeated the devil; therefore our "soldiering" responsibilities have changed. Same army, however we're now an occupying one, enforcing Satan's defeat. Rather than 
soldiers of the Cross, we're actually soldiers of the Throne. God's Throne. According to Ephesians 2:4-6, we are seated together with Christ, Who sits at the right hand of God (Hebrews 12:2). "With Christ" is a place of victory, of having overcome spiritual death, hell, and the grave. His victory is now mine. *

As an overcomer, seated with Christ in heavenly places, I'm part of God's army occupying the earth, enforcing Satan's defeat. I'm not trying to get victory; I already have the victory, in Christ. I'm not Cross-minded, I'm Throne-minded.

How about you? Do you have the victory? You do if you're a Christian because the Bible says so, whether you feel or it looks like it or not. Remember, it's a different view from the Throne, than the Cross.

Yes I'm standing up for Jesus, a soldier of, not the Cross, but of the Throne.

*For more on this see my book, Born To Win: A Study Guide For New Believers, available in hardback through this ministry or on Kindle.