
Love, yes, but Joy?

Chapter 5 of the book of Galatians offers a stark contrast between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the human spirit (heart). Verses 19-21 list numerous works (sins) of the flesh, while verses 22 and 23 give us the nine fruits of the spirit, beginning with love. Most Christians-perhaps most people-will agree that we all can grow in love. I know I can, without having to ask the opinion of my wife, children, or others. Growing in the love of God is an ongoing process with everyone I know. Those who think that they've "arrived" are probably the ones needing to grow the most.

So, as far as growing, love, yes-but joy? How does a Christian grow in joy? How can one grow in joy, without getting goofy and weird? I mean, who wants to be one of "them?"

A Christian grows in joy just like one grows in love. How?  By hearing verses about love, believing them in your heart, and acting like they're true in your own life. Remember, if you really believe God's Word in any area, you'll begin to act like it's true in your own life. If you don't than you may mentally agree with it in your head (mental assent), but not in your heart, where faith is.

Hearing verses and messages about the love of God will cause faith to come (Romans 10:17). Acting on God's love will cause fruit to grow in your life in the area of love. Over time, people will see that fruit exhibited in your life. Like telling an apple tree by the apples (fruit) on the branches, the fruit of love will show up in us, as spiritual branches.

The same is true about joy. The Bible has numerous verses about joy, in both the Old and New Testaments. Here are some of them:

Nehemiah 8:10;  Psalm 30:5; Isaiah 55:12;  John 16:24;  Romans 14:17;  James 1:2

As you keep hearing verses on joy, such as the ones above, faith for joy will come. Then, out of a believing heart, begin to act like you have joy. Not over night, but in time, as you continue to hear about God's joy, you'll become more joyful. Eventually, what's in your heart and mouth will affect your face. The fruit of joy will grow in your life even more.

Here's a link to a joyous service that will bless you in growing in the fruit of joy:

It's a service in which people responded to what the Spirit of God was wanting to do: meet the needs of people as they responded to Him.







Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

In just a few days it will be Election Day in the United States. Proof abounds as signs, promoting candidate after candidate, dot the landscape, particularly around voting precincts. Regardless of one's favorite candidate, it's obvious that something's in the process of happening; changes are coming. Playing baseball as a teenager, signs of a different sort were used. Signs were flashed from catcher to pitcher, indicating what pitch should be thrown. At times, a hitter would up at second base.  From there, a smart runner would attempt to figure out what the opposing catcher's signs were. The baserunner would then yell out a warning to his teammate at home plate who, hopefully knowing what pitch was coming, would be better prepared to hit the ball.

As Christians we live in a time where signs are all around us; they're everywhere. Using the Bible as our guide, we are seeing signs pointing to what's coming. Not a political candidate or a pitch, but the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In Matthew 24:3-14, Jesus gives us signs-advance indicators-of how things will be. When? At the time of His return to take believers (those who are looking for His appearing) to Heaven with Him. Some of the signs are wars, rumors of wars, famines, and earthquakes in different places. Those are signs of potential destruction. A good sign is the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ being preached in all the world. With television, satellites, and the internet, we are seeing the reality of this taking place around the world.

Knowing that signs point to a future event, how should Christians respond to the signs just mentioned? Should we live in fear, hoping to be rescued-the sooner the better? Should we, as some have, purposefully take out mortgages and loans and live it up? After all, when Jesus returns, no more bills, right?

Wrong. Yes, Jesus is coming soon. Yes, once He returns for us, no more natural obligations. But here's the truth: no one, including Jesus, knows when He's coming back. He passed on to His disciples everything God told Him. (John 15:15). Jesus also said no man knows the day or the hour of His coming (Matthew 25:13). To even attempt to guess an exact date is unscriptural, dangerous, and, to be blunt, just plain stupid.

But even though we don't know the exact moment Jesus is returning, the signs of the season of His return are unmistakable. Look around; see the rise of terrorism, the increased persecution of Christians around the world.  Schools allowing satanic bible clubs, while working hard to suppress Bible clubs for Christians. At the same time, the Gospel is going forward; people are coming into the Kingdom of God by the thousands. God's Church, the Body of Christ, is acting more and more like Jesus, enforcing satan's defeat on the earth. Miracles, signs, and wonders (Hebrews 2:4) are being wrought around the world, including the United States. Young men and women, including children, are seeing the power of God like never before (for them). Blind eyes and deaf ears are being opened; limbs are being restored. These are signs of good things to come; indicators of something big about to happen. Yes, the times they are a changing.  Clearly, we are in the season of His return.

Yes, signs are everywhere. But are we recognizing them? And, more importantly, what is our response? Personally, I "vote" to let God use me more and more. Like a good pitcher, I purpose to recognize God's signs being given to me. I purpose to do a better job at understanding the season in which we're in, the season of Christ's return, as well as my part in what God is doing through His Church.

What signs are you seeing? How are you choosing to respond to what you're seeing?