Hubert Gardner Ministries

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What's In Your Mouth?

A well-known credit card issuer asks the now-familiar question, "What's in your wallet", as part of its ad campaign. A more telling question for us is, "What's in your mouth?".  I'm not talking about teeth or gums; I'm talking about your words. Why is this? What's so important about the words you say?

The Bible has much to say about the importance of our words. The Bible says this about words:

1. Death and life are in the power of the tongue.  Proverbs 18:21

2. Jesus said we'd have what we say, out of a believing heart.  Mark 11:23

3. With our tongue we either bless or curse.   James 3:8-10

These verses demonstrate the importance of speaking right words. Does this mean going around saying nothing but Bible verses? No, what I am saying is that your everyday words are important; what you say on a daily basis really matters.

Some things people say, without regard to their content:

1. "That just tickles me to death"

2. "Over my dead body"

3. Concerning "flu" season, "I'll probably be the first to get it"

No one really wants to be tickled to death. No one really wants to die over some dispute. No one really wants to get the flu, at any time. Do you?

Friend, no intelligent person would want even one of these sayings to really happen in his/her life. When we learn the value of our everyday words we won't be saying hurtful words; we'll be saying things like, "I'm free from the curse of sickness-I'll never have the flu"-and so on.

If you knew that everything you said would come to pass, what changes would you make to what you're saying? If you're used to saying negative things, what's keeping you from changing to saying positive words, starting right now?

What's in your mouth? Words of life or death? Health or sickness?  Success or failure? Prosperity or poverty? Perhaps it's time for a verbal "checkup?" on your everyday words. Learning to watch what you say will make a difference in your everyday life.

What change(s) can you make in what you're saying? Do you think it will be easy or a challenge? Either way, it will be worth the change(s).